
Cancellation and Refund

Cancellation Policy

Service Cancellation

Notice Period: Clients must provide a written notice at least 30 days prior to the next billing cycle to cancel a service.

Immediate Cancellation: If a client requests immediate cancellation, services will be discontinued within 5 business days from the date of the request. Any prepaid fees for services extending beyond the cancellation date may be eligible for a refund, in accordance with the refund policy outlined below.

Project Cancellation

Project-based Work: Clients may cancel project-based work within 7 days of the project’s start date. If work has already begun, clients may incur charges for the work completed.

Cancellation After 7 Days: No refunds will be provided for cancellations made more than 7 days after the project’s start date.

Refund Policy

Service Subscriptions

Prepaid Services: Clients who have prepaid for services may be eligible for a pro-rata refund for the unused portion, provided the cancellation request is made in accordance with the notice period specified above.

Monthly Subscriptions: No refunds will be issued for months where services have been partially or fully used.

Project-based Work

Deposit: Deposits for project-based work are non-refundable after the 7-day grace period from the project’s start date.

Completed Work: If a project is cancelled after work has begun but before completion, clients will be billed for the work completed up to the time of cancellation. Any excess payment beyond this amount will be refunded.


Quality Concerns: If a cancellation is due to dissatisfaction with the service, clients should contact customer service within 14 days of the service delivery or project completion. Refund eligibility in such cases will be evaluated individually.

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